Bernardo Cerrai from Frigomar took the opportunity to present the project in the frame of three international shows of the marine industry: the Seatec exhibition in Italy (29-31 March 2017) the China International Boat Show in Shanghai (26-29 April 2017) and the Nor Shipping in Oslo (May 30 – June 2, 2017). The boat builders.. read more →

A big success for the project ! Xeric took the opportunity to organize its 2nd workshop in the frame of the EVER Monaco Forum, from 11 to 13 April 2017. More than one hundred academics of 27 different nationalities attended to the EVER scientific conferences this year. XERIC’s consortium has received two awards : the.. read more →

ONE-DAY EVENT for R&D, Industry & End Users – Increasing the range of electric vehicles remains one of the biggest challenges in the automotive industry. So 38 partners from 3 EU-funded projects organised a one-day event to share their insights on the latest trends and technologies to improve energy efficiency in electric vehicles. One hundred.. read more →

The RESOLVE EU-project has carried out a user survey on mobility needs in cities. RESOLVE Project aims at making Electric Light Vehicles (ELVs) a practical alternative to cars, encouraging commuters to switch to narrow-track ELVs (2 and 3 wheelers as well as light quadricycles). RESOLVE tackles the shortcomings of current ELVs by reducing powertrain costs,.. read more →

XERIC’s 3rd Project Meeting was organised by the University of Duisburg-Essen. The meeting took place on 2-3 May 2016 in Essen, Germany. read more →

XERIC’s 2nd project meeting was organised by Fraunhofer ITWM. It was held on 23-24 November 2015, in Kaiserslautern, Germany. A special event was also been scheduled: representatives from 3 other European projects receiving funding from the same sub-call as XERIC got together. Getting introduced and cross-fertilisation between XERIC and the other projects were on the.. read more →

XERIC’s Kick-off meeting was organised by the project’s coordinator, Nino Gaeta, from GVS. The meeting was held on 29-30 June 2015 in Bologna, Italy. – On the second day, XERIC received as a special guest Dr. Gabriella Gualandi, from ASTER, who gave a talk on “Automotive and R&D networks in Emilia Romagna: Opportunities for XERIC”… read more →