29 Nov 2017
Nov 29th, 2017

New contacts to prepare market access

EMH presented XERIC and its innovative climate control system in Brussels as part of interesting results from road transport research in H2020 projects. New contacts have been established with representatives of automotive industry, who showed great interest in the XERIC technology.

The 1st European Conference on Results from Road Transport Research in H2020 projects took place in Brussels, from 29 to 30 November 2017. Gathering 200 participants, the conference has been a unique opportunity to discover the preliminary results from H2020 funded projects in road transport. The one day and a half of the event covered many topics. All speakers’ presentations are accessible from www.ertrac.org and www.egvia.eu.

Gilbert RIOS, from EMH, presented the XERIC project in the frame of the “Energy management” session on 29 November. JOSPEL and OPTEMUS projects as well as OSEM-EV showcased their preliminary results in the same session.

Download XERIC’s full presentation HERE.

On track to prepare market access

The audience appreciated the XERIC presentation and shared interesting ideas. A really good occasion to network within the participants from scientific community, automotive industry and potential customers. The project is on track to prepare market access!